Necklace 18" in 3mm braided cord black, 1mm wax cord khaki, cut sigay, wood tube 10x12mm w/ burnt, wood task super bleach & rasin stone casting feather pendant |
Shell chandelier small size in nasa shell white, cypraea annulus shell and strombus urceus shell natural. |
Whiterose in necklace 16" |
Necklace 17 inches in 2-3 mm coco beads super bleach with pink banana luanos. |
Necklace 18 inches in 8 mm coco pukalet dark turquoise blue, purple and black, 7-8 mm coco heishe fuchsia with splashing blue, nasa shell white and buri tube 7-8 x 12 mm dyed violet. |
Necklace 18" in 3mm rubber cord w/ hole black, 6mm silver coated pukalet, 4-5mm coco pukalet nat. brown, 6mm silver balls, metal barrel w/ loop antq. silver & surfboard pendant 19x54mm black w/ flower painting |