Necklace in 1mm wax cord black, 4-5mm coco pukalet black & red, 4x25mm metal curve tube square w/ slice nickel & surfboard pendant red & yellow 19x54mm w/ chiness character painting |
Necklace 32" in black satin ribbon,bubble shell ring,lumbang seed black |
Necklace 16 inches in 7-8 mm white shell heishe fuchsia pink, 8 mm coco pukalet natural white and pink and 7-8 mm coco heishe magenta. |
Lumbang necklace (30 seeds) in 1/2" satin ribbon pink & lumbang seed pink w/ yellow stripes painting |
Necklace 18 inches in elastic thread, 4-5 mm coco pukalet super bleach, turquoise blue, light blue and green. |
Necklace 18 inches in 7-8 mm white shell heishe and 8 mm coco pukalet natural white, pink and fuchsia pink. |