Necklace 18" in 3mm braided cord lt. brown, 1mm wax cord khaki, cut sigay, wood tube w/ burnt, wood task super bleach, palmwood tube 8x12mm & 15mm palmwood beads super bleach |
Necklace 16"in 4-5 whiteshell heishe, sig-id tube & whiterose dyed blue |
Necklace 28" in cream satin ribbon, bubble shell, mongo shell white, lumbang seed black |
Earring in 15mm brownlip w/ skin, 2-3 coco heishe black |
Capiz chips natural white round shape, 53 strands, 371 pcs. 50mm capiz chips with electric fitting. 24 inches from top to bottom, 12 inches top to end of the capiz chips/strand head frame 8.5inches diameter. |
Evening clutch bag in oval design 24cm x 11cm made of bamboo bark & MOP shell inlaid. |