Shell clutch handbag elongated oval shape in 22 cm x 10 cm x 7 cm in diameter made of black tab shell in cracking inlay design with assorted round shell (heart shape lock handle). Perfect in any occasion such as evening party, wedding, debut, birthday, di |
Endless necklace 38" in 2-3 coco heishe brown, 3mm antq. beads, 4-5 coco pukalet black, bayong wood triangle & 30mm palm wood flat round dyed brown tones |
Earring in cut caput, bayong slide cut & aninikad skeliton |
Coin purse in tambayang violet purely handcrafted and handmade from the finest shells |
Lumbang kukui nut painted silver |
Bracelet 7.5 inches in white rose turquoise blue and blue with 6 mm plastic pearl beads light blue. |