Necklace 32" in brown satin ribbon, cebucao seeds, mongo shell white, yellow & green |
necklace 18" 2-3 red orange coco beads, cut bds orange, wood bds 14-15mm w/painting & pendant 70mm MOP dyed orange |
Necklace 18 inches in white shell square cut with splashing blue, nasa shell white, 7-8 mm white shell heishe and 8 mm coco pukalet black and blue. |
Necklace 16 inches in 7-8 mm white shell heishe fuchsia pink, 8 mm coco pukalet natural white and pink and 7-8 mm coco heishe magenta. |
Necklace 16" w/ whiteclam graduated, 8mm metal pukalet & 7-8 coco heishi black w/ splashing white |
Metal bangle w/ turq. blue triangular shape inlay |