Necklace 18 inches in elastic thread, 4-5 mm coco pukalet light blue, purple, turquoise blue and black. |
Evening clutch bag in oval shape 15cm x 9cm x 5cm made of brown lip shell back side crazy cut inlaid and w/ black tab shell in the side. |
3 layers Capiz chips natural white and red in round shape, 90 strand, 734 pcs. 50mm capiz chips with electric fitting. 71 inches from top to bottom, 27 inches top to end of the capiz chips/strand head frame 16inches diameter. |
2-3mm heishe snow white & tiger nasa shell w/ 8mm phalm beads & 55mm flower blacklip |
Lumbang kukui nut seeds painted pearlized BRIGHT ORANGE |
Necklace 32" in yellow satin ribbon, cebucao seeds, w/ mongo shell yellow rings |