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Necklace 20" in 15mm crochet bead black, cebucao seed, 20mm robles wood bead, 20mm wax cord bead brown, wood mentos gray, 15mm plastic bead marblelized, 25mm cut beads balls brown, 20mm pamo thread balls brown & white & tiger courie 4sided

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Item Code: JSH1468D

Necklace 18 inches in 4-5 mm coco pukalet black, nasa shell white, white shell square cut with splashing light blue, bulonganon tube 7-8 x 18 mm and bamboo tube 5 x 18 mm wrapped with rayon cord black and silver.

Price:  $10.00

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earrings with feather pendants

Necklace 18" in 7-8 coco pukalet super bleach, 7-8mm coco heishe tiger, clay beads green, sig-id tube 8x16mm & cut sigay

Capiz chips blue in small heart design, 19 strand, 68 pcs. 50mm capiz chips, 9.5 inches base to bottom, head frame 8.5 inches diameter.

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handcrafted wood, coco, shell, bone and many more just to mention a few. It may come in variety of colors and designs as preferred by the need and requirement of the customers

Necklace 32" in brown satin ribbon, lumbang seed brown,ipil-ipil seed

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