Hair clip ribbon in troca & paua shell |
3 layers Capiz chips natural white, red, pink and violet butterfly shape design. 53 strand, 372 pcs. 50mm capiz chips with electric fitting. 24 inches from top to bottom, 18 inches top to end of the capiz chips/strand and head frame 8.5 inches diameter. |
Necklace 22" in suitache cord turq. blue, 12mm wood bead blue, 30mm wood flat round blue tones, 10mm wood bead marblz. blue & black, 15mm palm wood bead bleach & 20mm wood bead w/ suitache cord blue |
Earrings in 30mm MOP w/ 17mm callar,40mm bayong ring |
Earring in cut caput, bayong slide cut & aninikad skeliton |
Necklace 18 inches in 4-5 mm coco pukalet mango yellow, turquoise blue and orange, 4-5 mm white shell heishe, bamboo tube 5x13 mm and white rose. |