Necklace 20" 3rows in 2-3mm wood heishe super bleach, 4-5mm wood pukalet gold, 12mm wood bead olivegreen, wood flat oval 25x30mm green 2tones, 30mm wood flat round dark brown, 25x8mm wood mentos dark brown & 25mm wood flat round brown |
Necklace 32" in brown satin ribbon, ipil-ipil seeds,green everlasting |
Necklace 16 inches in 7-8 mm coco heishe graduated black, 8 mm coco pukalet super bleach and 7-8 mm coco heishe black, red, mango yellow and green. |
Necklace 31" 6rows in wax cord black, 3mm leather suede black & robles wood triangular tube 12x32mm w/ blacktab donut 65mm pendant |
Earings in 30x30mm capiz shell square |
Evening clutch bag in half moon shape design 18cm x 11cm x 5cm made of MOP shell bricks inlaid, black tab shell & MOP shell blocking. |